I can honestly say that I’m slowly becoming an introvert … and I’m ok with it! Social distancing has really got me re-prioritizing how and with who I spend my time. I know there are many people calling this a ‘new normal’ but I absolutely believe that this is a pause that was a long time coming. We needed to make time and reevaluate the things that we were masking with the guise of ‘being busy’. I actually have gone through a process of coming to terms with where we are. I started off lonely and confused and now, came up with some weekend favorites and now, I have learnt to find joy in this season.
These are the things that are continually bringing me joy during social distancing:
- creating YouTube content for my channel: Africancocktail! Yes, I started a YouTube channel and I’m learning video editing and filming skills that I am really enjoying. Have you watched any of the videos, click here?
- connecting and fostering the communities I’m creating online – be it on this blog, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter or Facebook, I’m finding that you guys are a treasure trove of support, great content ideas, inspirational memes and posts! There isn’t a day that goes by when one of you doesn’t share something the brightens my day or causes me to pause and think. I’m ever so grateful to have this community!
- TikTok – ok so I definitely have not created any content on here but I love watching people’s TikToks! Oh my gosh the creativity is definitely at an all time high on this platform and I love seeing how people incorporate their parents in the dancing TikToks – those are my fave!
- family Zoom Saturdays – no joke, my family is spread across 7 countries on two continents and every Saturday we come together for about two hours to catch up, encourage and roast one another. What can I say, my family brings me joy. I love those Africans!
- work – yes, you read that right. I am in the thick of implementation season at work – and while the hours are long and the job is demanding, I’m working with some really smart people who are equally passionate about the product that we are delivering – and that brings me joy!

What is bringing you joy this season? Drop me a comment below …