What To Do This Weekend: Quarantine Edition

Many states have just under 30 days of social distancing to go. So Im sharing some of the activities that have got me by these last couple of weeks. 

1. Meal Prep

I haven’t gained a single pound during quarantine y’all! I refuse to allow this isolation period to result in unhealthy eating. I’ve been successful because I’ve been able to meal prep over the weekends. I plan my meals so that I don’t allow my unhealthy tendencies and busy schedule to trip me up! So, when you are looking for what to do this weekend, may I suggest – meal prepping. 

2. Learn A New Recipe

I’ve picked up some great cooking and baking books over the last couple of months and I love having the weekends for experimentation! I get to feel like a professional chef every weekend in my kitchen! Some recipes turn out amazingly well and I am proud to add them to repertoire and some well … let’s just call the happy accidents. 

3. Catch Up With Family

This social distancing period has allowed me to set regular check ins with my family. It’s been great getting to meet my new niece virtually, chat with my dad about future plans and heat my ma pray for us all over WhatsApp! I cherish the weekends where we have uninterrupted time for family. 

4. Batch Content

For all my content creators out there, the weekends are sacred for content creation. This is especially true if you have a full-time job during the week. The weekends are the perfect time to batch content! I’m creating more blog posts, shooting more looks and recording more videos y’all! The weekends are the perfect time to put in all that work so that there are no interruptions in the content you share with your communities!

5. Relax

Yes, I said it: you should relax. Soo many people make relaxing during this time feel like a whole crime! Like we should all be launching businesses and running a mile a minute towards all our goals. But y’all this is a tough time for most people. Folks have lost jobs, some are triggered by loneliness and depression has crept in on many. So yeah, some folks may need the weekend to actually relax. To escape. To have the ability to rest. So, do just that if you need it. Take the time you need to get back to feeling like yourself. No judgement here.  

How are you spending your time during this quarantine period? share with me in the comments below and enjoy your weekend!

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