- Tracking income and expenditure – I have talked about the money saving apps that you should download before here. So this won’t be new to most of you Cocktails. I want to have us diligently track everything that comes in (everything from a gift to our check) and all expenses that leave our accounts (that $5 you lent your friend or that Gucci purse you ‘treated yo self’ to because of Corona). Everything needs to be tracked. Why? This way you know where your money is going. How many times do you say ‘I legit have no idea where my money went!’ This way you will know. You will see that your money is spent on lots of ‘treats’ or you are actually hitting your savings goals!
- Reading – In a day when most things can be viewed on YouTube there is still great value in taking the time to read. To actually learn something new or distract yourself with some fiction (not Insta!). I have been on a serious reading kick (see post here) and I can tell you that it’s been life changing. So many decisions that I’m making are as a result of new ideas that I have picked up in my most recent reads (see post here).

3. Meditating and Gratitude – I shared how I have incorporated meditation in my daily life here so it’s no surprise that this is a habit I am recommending to you as you start the year. Gratitude is something that I frequently talk about on the blog (here & here) and this year I’m taking the time to jot down what I’m grateful for daily – great or small – and saving this for review when I’m having a crappy day and when I’m looking back at the year 6 months or 12 months from now! It’s all about perspective folks!
4. Making your bed – Sounds so simple yet there is something to be said about starting your day in this manner. Making the bed is the first activity you can check off on a long to-do list in your day and getting it done gives you an easy win and a great boost of energy to get the rest of your daily tasks done!
5. Working out/ get moving – This has always been one of my biggest hurdles but I am using a habit tracking app (see here), which is helping me stay accountable and actually make working out a habit!

So there you have it folks – my must adopt habit list! Do you have any new activities that you have incorporated into your 2021 habits? Share with me in the comments below or over @Africancocktail on Instagram or Twitter.