What I’ve Learned While Traveling During A Pandemic Across 3 Continents

Yes, I’m Still Traveling In 2021.

By the end of 2020 I had been to the US, Turkey, Ethiopia, the DRC and Zimbabwe! And yes, as of this post going up, I will have been to the DRC, Kenya and Zimbabwe in 2021. Yes, I have a serious travel bug and yes, I fully understand that we are in the midst of a pandemic.

Well, I might be one of the few people, at least in my circle (and most of the world) who is still traveling. Here are some of the things I’ve observed and learned as I travel through the COVID-19 pandemic.

  1. Many African countries view the pandemic VERY differently than most of the rest of the world. It’s been almost trippy how differently the virus is viewed in many countries on the continent. Sure, the public health departments are tracking the prevalence rates and number of deaths; however, on the ground? When I talk to people in countries like the DRC or Zimbabwe, COVID seems to be a disease that ‘rich people who travel get’. Umm what? I wear my mask pretty religiously and this was one of the stark differences that I observed from the moment I landed in Kinshasa last summer. Mask wearing especially on the street was a clear identifier that ‘you weren’t from here’. Most folks only wear masks when they are indoors – in supermarkets, at the entrance of restaurants, in some churches. If you are going to be indoors where many people will congregate, then a mask is worn – otherwise, mask where?
  2. Airports are still pretty packed! With the increase in COVID infection numbers, I thought airports would be completely empty or just have a couple of travellers but if you’ve followed my stories on Instagram when I’m traveling then you would have seen that there are just as many people in the airport as usual … ok I don’t have exact numbers and I’m certain the numbers are down; however, terminals are still crowded! And in many airports, social distancing when boarding isn’t being followed! I get super nervous during boarding and usually opt to board early if I have priority or towards the very end as I refuse to get pushed around during boarding or have to continually tell folks to back up.
  3. COVID tests are pricier in some European countries and the States than on the continent (central and Southern Africa). I took my first COVID test in Boston last August and paid $135 for it! In October 2020, I paid $45 for my COVID test. Y’all, I had to double check the amount because I was like huh? Then I realized that some of the African countries are subsidizing tests for locals. The most expensive test I’ve paid for was $92 and I was ok with that as I got my results the next day.
  4. WHO and public health departments are really doing their best. I cannot say that I have travelled to a single country where there was inadequate signage or instructions on what COVID is, how to prevent it and what to do if you have it. Every single airport has clearly indicated what the right social distancing measures are (despite people not adhering to them), signage has been clear and in multiple international and local languages, and honestly, the media in many countries also highlights both COVID cause and prevention measures. You have to at least give them that! The information is out there … now adherence is a whole other issue. 
  5. There is no such thing as being TOO careful! I talked about how I travel during COVID and what I’m doing to stay healthy in this post here. I am always surprised by how cavalier folks are when traveling. Masks on their chins, masks off when in-flight, folks not washing their hands or sanitizing after getting documents that someone else has touched (think passports at check-in)! I’m overly cautious when traveling especially because I know folks aren’t as thorough as I am. SO I continue to exercise as much caution as possible and follow my newly formed travel habits that I shared (here) to a T!
  6. Travel is still fun! Yes – I know folks around you might stress you out but I only allocate a small percentage of my experience to how others affect my travel. I can only control myself and my behaviours and it is madness to try and correct every single person who isn’t being compliant in these times. So at some point in my travel, I turn off my hyper vigilance and remember that I’m doing one of my favourite and most freeing activities: traveling! This is the most important part for me. I refuse to let COVID take away the joys of being on the road, air or seas!

Have you been traveling? If so, what have you observed? Lemme know in the comments below.

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