Visa process:
– This process was a bit convoluted. I had to fly to D.C to expedite my visa. The information online was not very clear when it came to visa on arrival for SADC states. The DRC is a member of SADC and can get a visa on arrival in Ghana; however, the embassy in D.C insisted that a visa be obtained prior to arrival. This back and forth was anxiety inducing as I never want to land in a country and get put back on a plan as I don’t have the required visa. So I got my visa in D.C prior to departure – I didn’t need the stress.
– I love Ghana! I will shout it from the rooftops (and I have)! Accra remains one of my favorite African cities. The vibrancy of the city just makes me feel alive! I ate everything, touched all the fabrics that I could and danced with as many locals as I could.
Would I go back?
-Absolutely! The people, the history, the food, the fun … I am such huge fan! Ghana offers so much from beaches to city vibes to historical landmarks to African symbolism. Take a read at my top activities to do list here. Ghana is a must visit country!
-I would also go back around Christmas time! Apparently this is the most popular time to be in Accra and many festivals take place around this time. It would also be great to escape the New England winter … Here’s what to do in Ghana in 11 days (post).
– Book your flight at least 5-6 months before you leave. That’s when you get the best rates.
-I recommend going to Ghana around independence or in December/New year’s time. This is when the country is most alive with a mix of people and many events to enjoy.
-Try to interact with as many locals as possible. There is much to be enjoyed off the beaten ‘touristy’ path.
-I would also be careful with pickpockets. Just use common sense folks. Be safe and vigilant over your valuables.
-Be prepared to learn from the locals. Nothing is worse than a tourist who tries to educate the locals. Part of my love of travel is the opportunity to learn. To realize how little you know about a people and gain perspective and understanding about the place.