First off, I have two degrees and I am all schooled out! But there are so many topics that I’ve had to learn from the universities of Google and YouTube that I wish were part of required curriculum!
1. Investment
If there was a class that I think should be incorporated in curriculums it’s how to invest. At some point I’m going to have a guest blogger talk us through what it all means! I found myself trying to understand what is ROTH IRA? What is an IRA? Huh? What percentage of my check should I invest? Ok – y’all get the picture, it’s something that I strongly urge everyone to learn!
2. Coding
I now work in Health IT and if there was a class that I could make everyone take (probably starting in high school), it would be coding. The number of applications it has in our world are endless. The fact that coding is so pervasive in pretty much all aspects of our lives is reason enough to at least learn the basics.
3. Sewing
Y’all, I took home economics when I lived in Botswana and those skills are some that I believe should be taught everywhere! I learnt how to sew, iron, cook, grow herbs … balance a check book. Yeah – I know it sounds like a 1950s class but I have met people who are rendered incapacitated when a hem comes apart or when trying to patch a hole in a pair of slacks.
We’re there any classes y’all wish were taught in school or that were more stressed on?