I’ve come to realize that for as badass as I usually think that I am, I do realize that I have a tendency to seek approval from coworkers, friends and family. I cannot tell you how important it became for me to be liked. It was important to be agreeable, not to rock the boat, not to be impolite … it was always important for me to be liked.

I talked about how that affected me at work and how I turned it around here.

This is my 2019 swagger.
This is the year to dare! I’m not asking for permission … I am letting y’all know right now that I am no longer seeking approval. I realize that in continually seeking approval, I am shortchanging myself from what my wants truly are. I am so tired trying to cater to everyone and losing myself, and well, now is the time to just BE!
There is nothing crazier than recognizing that you have problem, know how to resolve it and still go on as though you have no problem. It’s high time we did better by ourselves beloved.

So grab your cape, throw on a sexy red dress and soar!