Its March and this year like most years, I decided to skip the resolutions (see post here) and have a focus word: consistency. This word permeates all I do – especially when it comes to my health and fitness goals!
By February, I found myself demotivated to workout as I was literally repeating the same exercises day in and day out. I live by the mantra – doing the same thing and expecting different results is the definition of madness. So, I took some time to research on how to vary my cardio workouts and I stumbled upon jump rope!
You know, the thing you did with your friends in middle school? Yeah, that! I started looking at jump rope as a cardio option and I immediately added it to my workout routine. Here’s why:
- I can workout anywhere! Seriously y’all, being able to pack a jump rope and workout when on the road without concern about whether or not there is a gym in the area, is freeing and ensures consistency when Im not home.
- It’s easy on the knees – I love a good treadmill run but at some point, that impact ends up affecting your knees. This is especially true if it’s the only form of cardio you do. The impact from jumping rope is much easier on the knees and reduces wear and tear of ligaments.
- I can add it to my existing HIIT routines. This is a huge selling point for me as I love a good HIIT workout but these can become monotonous. Being able to add jumping rope into the mix ensures that I stay motivated to complete and stick to my routines.
- You can learn new jump rope tricks. If you have ever double dutched you know exactly what I’m talking about. But if you haven’t, here are some jump rope tricks that you can learn to up your jump rope game!
- Its fun! … need I say more?

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