I’ll be honest, I’m writing this list and I’ve already read four books this year! I have a Goodreads goal of reading 25 books this year and I’m confident that I will reach and surpass it. One of the intentions that I am setting this year is creating both space and time to read as much as possible.
Over the years, I’ve found that the less I read, the less imaginative I become, the less articulate I become and honestly, the less interesting I feel. Books have been my safe place and getaway since I was a child. I was that kid who borrowed loads of library books at the end of the school year and read through the summer break. As an adult I bought books on Amazon until I remembered that I paid taxes and lived 10 minutes from the library! Y’all I dropped purchasing books on Amazon so fast LOL! You get the picture, I love a good book.
SO here are my 21 books for 2021 … please let me know if you have read any of the books on my list and what you thought! ALSO – I have a Goodreads account (find me here) and I’m tracking my reading there so join me people!
- The insider’s guide to culture change – Siobhan McHale
- Atomic habits – James Clear
- Zero to one – Peter Thiel
- Switch – Chip & Dan Heath
- Leading change – John P. Kotter
- Your money or your life – Vicki Robin
- Relationship goals – Michael Todd
- Managing transitions – William Bridges
- The power of rituals – Casper Ter Kuile
- One Mission – Chris Fussell
- Made to stick – Chip & Dan Heath
- The million-dollar one-person business – Elaine
- Billion dollar brand club – Lawrence Ingrassia
- The innovation stack – Jim McKelvey
- Brag better – Meredith Fineman
- Woman of influence – Miller
- Organization change – Burke
- The advantage – Lencioni
- Buy then build – Walker Deibel
- Build your fortune in the fifth era – Le Merle and Davis
- Secrets of Sand Hill road – Scott Kupor