Fall into new beginnings …

I’ll be honest, I’m not a huge fan of the fall. The air gets crisper, the days get shorter … le sigh … fall lets me know that winter is coming! 

However, I do love the seasonal change as it signals that it’s time for some evaluation. I usually take some time in the fall to look at some of the goals set at the beginning of the year and evaluate my progress (or the lack thereof in some instances). Do you self evaluate as seasons change?

I usually ask myself the following questions:

  1. What goals are currently on the list?
  2. Have there been goals that I additionally set that I did not add to the list?
  3. Which goals have been accomplished? 
  4. How have you celebrated your goal accomplishments? 
  5. Which goals have you not accomplished? 
  6. Why haven’t you accomplished these goals?
  7. What steps are you taking to reach the remaining goals?
  8. Are the goals left reasonable? 

I always ask the last question before completing my reflection as sometimes I’m trying to accomplish goals where I lack time and resourcing. These are the goals that I continue to monitor as I never want to set myself up for failure. 

How do you transition from one season to another? Share with me in the comments below or on social media @Africancocktail on Instagram

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