I’m going to be honest with you, 2018 was one of those years when I felt tried in so many ways. Do you know what I mean? People at work tried me, people in my family tried me, my friends tried me and Lord knows I allowed so many people to rob me of my joy. But here comes 2019 … the year I shall not be tried!

You are either for me or for my prayer list …
Sarah Jakes Roberts
Let’s be clear – 2019 isn’t the year we shrink back, play nice or placate those around us. This is the year we go full throttle. This is the year we hold nothing back. This year we are in the driver’s seat. The days when we allowed others to determine how we react are over. The days when we had our #twitterfingers do battle and gave everyone ‘a piece of our mind’ are over, which leads me to the lists: the prayer list and the list of those that are for you.
How do we separate those who are for you and those on your prayer list?
Let me first define what I mean by ‘prayer list‘. This is the list where you send people who have tried you. Those folks that drag you and your reputation through the mud. Those folks that troll you on social media. The people that you should no longer give any of your energy to: the time-wasters, the liars, the cheaters … alla dem! The people that attempt to steal your joy. Those folks … those are the people that we place on our ‘prayer list’.
Now let’s talk about those that are ‘for you’. These are the folks in your corner. The folks that love you through the mess. The folks that continue to encourage you when you cannot see a light at the end of the tunnel. These are the people who pray for you, who ask about you, who check-in to truly see how you are doing. These folks are the ones that you need to show love and appreciation to continually.
So this is what we do moving forward. After we identify the people on our prayer list, we move on. We boss up and get to doing the damn thing! We choose joy. We protect our peace by creating spaces where we grow and thrive. We starve those on our prayer list of the attention that they crave from the distractions they throw our way. We simply get moving as we are legit halfway through January and some folks have already abandoned resolutions or goals that they had set a couple of days ago! WE DO NOT HAVE TIME TO WASTE!
We go where we are celebrated, not where we are tolerated.
We create routines that promote our well-being and we are consistent in them. We are relentlessly consistent because it is consistency that will ensure our success. So you have all the keys. You have it in you to create this environment for yourself. You are amazing and you can do this!
Success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally. It comes from what you do consistently.
Marie Forleo
Let me know how 2019 is going for you and remember to keep those that are in your corner for you close and those that aren’t? Well, those folks … those folks go to your prayer list.