Bring out the fringe! This entire look has me ready for a summer concert! I know rona has us out here unable to gather in large crowds but … imagine with me here folks. This skirt is perfect for a summer night out! Loads of dancing happens when I go to some of my favorite concerts! I always rock a pair of chunky heels! A good concert look has to allow movement while still maintaining a level of class. I also love a black moment when going for a concert and this look right here is one of my black monochrome looks.
I’m Binja, an African based healthcare IT consultant by day and an #Africancocktail at all times! Who is an #Africancocktail? Allow me to explain: I’m half Congolese (DRC) and half Kenyan (hella African) – that along with the fact that I’ve grown up in five countries on three continents has contributed to my being an amalgamation of cultures (or in my case a cocktail). Yes, I’m one of those ‘third culture kids’ who sounds British but speaks Swahili and French with an American accent. So yes folks – I’m an #Africancocktail!