I posted a pic of this dress on my Instagram and the number of DMs I got had me shook! I figured it was summer, I wanted to share a cute swing dress for my curvy girls and I wanted to show how you could dress up a simple look. Y’all saw this dress and blew up my DMs with questions on where I purchased it and how much it was.
So here we go … this swing dress is my favorite Amazon purchase coming in at a whopping $14.99! I hate going to a blogger’s page, tapping the pic for details – not getting any, sliding in a DM asking for a link to an outfit and the blogger not sharing. Nothing grinds my gears more!
I’m Binja, an African based healthcare IT consultant by day and an #Africancocktail at all times! Who is an #Africancocktail? Allow me to explain: I’m half Congolese (DRC) and half Kenyan (hella African) – that along with the fact that I’ve grown up in five countries on three continents has contributed to my being an amalgamation of cultures (or in my case a cocktail). Yes, I’m one of those ‘third culture kids’ who sounds British but speaks Swahili and French with an American accent. So yes folks – I’m an #Africancocktail!