Setting 2019 Intentions

#Africanblogger, #Africancocktail, #TheAfricancocktail, #African, #Africanwoman, #AfricanBloggers, #BostonBlogger, #NewEngland, #Blogger, #Fall, #BostonWinter, #Winter, #Intentions, #SettingIntentions, #NewYear, #Forever21xme, #Forever21

What do you promise yourself?

A few years ago, I abandonded the idea of making new year’s resolutions. Friends would ask ‘what are your resolutions this year?’ And I would just laugh and say – lose weight and be happy (maybe it was be happy and lose weight … can’t remember because well, I really didn’t believe in resolutions). The whole: new year, new me debacle was one that continued to elude me until I read about setting intentions.

An intention is pretty much a declaration of intent … I hate to define a word with a word but here we are. I think of intentions as promises that I make to myself. They are goals that I set that are coupled with actual HOW TO ‘get there’ steps. Let me give you examples of a couple of my 2019 intentions:

In 2019, I am setting the intention to be closer to God

  • HOW: I intend on spending no less than 5 minutes in prayer, worship and/or listening to the Word a day.
  • ACCOUNTABILITY: I use the YouVersion Bible App reading plans that track daily Bible reading. I also use the Streaks app to ensure that I am tracking my time spent reading the word. Lastly, I subscribe and listen to Christian and inspirational speakers. I listen to these podcasts at least three times a week.

In 2019, I am setting the intention to meditate and center myself daily

  • HOW: I intend on waking up at 5am daily and starting my day off with meditation
  • ACCOUNTABILITY: I use the Simple Habit app to meditate. The app tracks the number of times I meditate in the week.

In 2019, I am setting the intention to read as many books that are written, in whole or part, by female entrepreneurs.

  • HOW: I will be researching online and asking friends for author names and titles. Once I have these, I will borrow their books from my local library.
  • ACCOUNTABILITY: I use the Goodreads app. It tracks the books that I am reading, and keeps a tally on completed works and those that are still ‘pending’ on my shelf.
#Africanblogger, #Africancocktail, #TheAfricancocktail, #African, #Africanwoman, #AfricanBloggers, #BostonBlogger, #NewEngland, #Blogger, #Fall, #BostonWinter, #Winter, #Intentions, #SettingIntentions, #NewYear

Alright y’all, these are some of my intentions for 2019. What are yours? What have you promised yourself for this year and how are you going to keep it?

I’m so excited about the year y’all! There is so much in store for us …

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