Recently on Instagram I was sharing my thoughts on how I support my creative friends and got so many questions on how I do it and how others can too – so I decided to put it in a post.
Center: Erin Robertson, Right: Nicole Fichera
I think so many times people think that support requires money – and sometimes it does – we will get to that. But one thing that I’ve learnt this summer is that creatives put so much into their art that marketing an event or show may not be top of mind so not as many people end up showing up and enjoying their work. So yes people, showing up is half the battle. Numbers sadly are everything and you not being in the audience when people judge a show’s success by the numbers hurts a creative’s reach. This is why being present – in person – to cheer, to be counted in attendance or even offer your opinion on their work is so important.
Social media is my favorite tool to show support to all my creatives. It takes nothing to share a creative’s poster, display their artwork on your feed or stories or even share your experience after attending an event. The best kind of support is word of mouth. You know, tell a friend to tell a friend? That’s how I use social media to support my creative friends.
Allow me to introduce you to my intelligent, capable and out of this world creative beauty Nicole Fichera. Nicole is an architect by training and one of the most creative people I know. She continues to explore her creative side more than anyone I know – she is a musician, a jeweler, a maker of beautiful things (the fanciest 3D stationery you have seen!). She makes the jewelry in these photographs. Her jewelry in my opinion is so unique and valuable because of the technique she uses to cut and make the them. I am such a fan of her work. Check out her Etsy store here for more.
This creative genius, inspired, business savvy, talented and beautiful woman is none other than Erin Robertson. I met Erin last year in Boston and had a mini freak out session as I have always been a fan of her work. Oh! Did I forget to mention that she was the winner of Project Runway season 15? Yeah she is a total #badass! To see how hard she works creating original, never before seen pieces is so inspiring. She kicks butt when it comes to putting in the time be it in opening up her own pop up store at Hourglass Boston to creating commercials for Perrier and Starburst, Erin is a hard worker. So when she sticks a price tag on an item, you know she has put in her blood, sweat, time and magic into each seam and hem. Y’all lets be honest, no one likes to work for free. And creatives get some of the worst treatment especially from friends and family. Not everything should be free. Not everything should have strings attached – you know, if I come to your show do I get front row seats? No. Let’s be realistic folks, everything costs money. And paying for your creative friends work or entry fee is attaching value to their work. It’s showing your friend that the time spent working on their craft is valuable.
Lastly, reviews are the lifeblood for many creatives. Did you enjoy the earrings that you bought? Did you have fun at the show? Did you enjoy reading the poem? Write a review! Remember that word of mouth is the best kind of marketing. A review costs you nothing and could just be the thing that places your friend’s work on the map! So stop, go their Etsy shop, blog’s comment section, Facebook business page and leave a review! Just do your part to ensure that your friend wins!
Pictured above is Hourglass Boston: a style and design pop up store that Nicole Fichera and Erin Robertson created in Boston.