Welcome to the weekend where Alexa predicts sunshine with a slight chance of Netflix viewing. I’ve pulled together a list of my favorite comedy on Netflix.
Comedy Series
Schitt’s Creek
Dead to Me
The Office
Parks and Recreation
After Life
Stand Up Comedy
Chris Rock – Tamborine
What Now – Kevin Hart
Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee – Jerry Seinfeld
Dave Chappelle (really pick any – you cannot go wrong!)
Katt Williams (once again – anything from this guy will have you in stitches)
Cole Hearted – Deon Cole
Do I have some of your faves on my lists? What are y’all watching? Drop your picks in the comment section below!
I’m Binja, an African based healthcare IT consultant by day and an #Africancocktail at all times! Who is an #Africancocktail? Allow me to explain: I’m half Congolese (DRC) and half Kenyan (hella African) – that along with the fact that I’ve grown up in five countries on three continents has contributed to my being an amalgamation of cultures (or in my case a cocktail). Yes, I’m one of those ‘third culture kids’ who sounds British but speaks Swahili and French with an American accent. So yes folks – I’m an #Africancocktail!