I’ve had a rough year … so even getting to this time of year is a huge win for me. Between health issues, immigration woes and work, I’ve been hit on all sides by life and finding my balance and things to be grateful has taken some reflection.
So this year I’m grateful for the simple things:
- I’m thankful for my family – my family is spread out across more than five countries on two continents yet they are my biggest supporters, prayer warriors and overall reminders on what it took to get to this point in my life. So I am grateful for them – they are my compass.
- I’m thankful for my friends who are my second family – these folks have checked in on me and truly wanted to know how I’m really doing. I’m usually the ‘strong friend’ but this year, life has kicked me in the butt and these people have had the listening ear that I needed on rough days, booked the flights that I needed to get me out of my rut as well as pushed me to want more for myself.
- I’m thankful for many of the people that I work with. I’ve had the pleasure of working with inspiring women who have shown me what it means to be successful in a mainly male dominated field. I have also worked with men who have championed me and encouraged me to keep going especially when I was ready to throw in the towel.
- I’m thankful for my health – I get it when people say you only realize how valuable your health is when you aren’t healthy. And this year – I definitely got a clearer appreciation of this body.
- I’m thankful for you – yes, you reading this. You who has stuck with me over Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook and this blog. You who continue to cheer me on and check on me when I fall off. You who is here still saying you go this girl! You – I’m grateful for you!
It’s thanksgiving so stop and really reflect on what you may be overlooking. The mere fact that we have breath in our lungs is reason to be grateful. So what/who are you grateful for?

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