I can’t believe summer is almost over y’all! I am definitely taking advantage of the last couple of days left by road tripping along the east coast! I have shared my stop over on my Instagram@Africancocktail! Check out the highlights for where I’ve been this summer.
I share my 30 skirts in 30 days spring/summer looks here and on Instagram and y’all loved the items I chose for these seasons! I was so glad that the selections resonated with many of you and that some actually purchased and styled them in your own ways!
So, today, I’m sharing with y’all how my team and I created the epic looks y’all enjoyed this summer! Sit back, relax and push play …
I’m Binja, an African based healthcare IT consultant by day and an #Africancocktail at all times! Who is an #Africancocktail? Allow me to explain: I’m half Congolese (DRC) and half Kenyan (hella African) – that along with the fact that I’ve grown up in five countries on three continents has contributed to my being an amalgamation of cultures (or in my case a cocktail). Yes, I’m one of those ‘third culture kids’ who sounds British but speaks Swahili and French with an American accent. So yes folks – I’m an #Africancocktail!