It’s Sunday night and the Boston Red Sox just won the Baseball World series. I’m freaking out because I go hard for my city! I love many things about living in Boston chief among them being the sports teams. From the Celtics to the Sox to the Bruins and the great Patriots … Boston is a winning city. It’s what we do … it’s who we are.
People in the city are losing their minds celebrating our World Series win and it’s always fascinating to me how easily we celebrate the big wins yet how we just as easily ignore the smaller wins. We celebrate huge celebrations like landing that promotion but not as many celebrations go into the daily wins that led up to it. We celebrate 10 years of marriage but overlook the smaller wins where we extended grace to our partners, which led to the celebration. You get the picture folks … we don’t really celebrate the smaller wins. Why is that? Why don’t we take the time to laud those smaller steps that contribute to the larger wins? I think we haven’t mastered the art of savoring the moment.
Moments are generally overlooked especially if they aren’t considered as ‘high impact’ – the promotion (high impact) versus daily accountability (low impact). I believe that it’s only by celebrating the smaller wins do the larger, higher impact ones get to mean so much more. So today I’m sharing how I celebrate small wins. I vary my celebrations based on the win but basically these are examples of how I celebrate:
- treating myself à la Parks and Rec
- regularly reflecting in a gratitude journal
- taking the time to thank people for tasks executed – large or small
- having a monthly check – in with a mentor
- sending handwritten notes to people who have impacted my life
- buying myself flowers
- treating a friend to dinner or lunch when they overcome a challenge
- watching a feel good show or movie
Jumpsuit: Forever 21, Shoes: Charlotte Russe, Sunglasses: Prada, Earrings: Zara (similar), Bracelets: NY&C, Necklace: Boston Baubles (similar)
These are some of the ways in which I celebrate small wins. How do you celebrate?