Y’all, it felt as though I was living in a parallel reality the first couple of weeks I got to Kinshasa and Harare. Allow me to explain: I left Boston where everyone wore masks everywhere they went and obsessively hand sanitized to Kinshasa and Harare where people only wore masks when indoors.
Once I got to my parents home I would drive around Kinshasa with them and slowly noticed that people didn’t act like COVID was a threat. This completely threw me off as I left a hot zone to a country where there were less than 1000 cases being reported! So how have I been finding my way through this pandemic?
- Following WHO guidelines on how to protect yourself from COVID19 – socila distancing, hand washing and diligently wearing a mask over my nose AND mouth.
- Family time – lots of laughs, hugs and mamas food has kept me sane! I cannot overstate how much I needed this time at home with my loved ones.
- Reading – I’ve become a bookworm. Ok – it’s not a new thing, I’ve just awakened that part in me that had a deep love of books and the knowledge as well as the escape they provide. So I’ve been reading both fictional and entrepreneurial books.
- Music – I’ve become an even greater music fan since I got home. I listen to albums soup to nuts and actually listen to lyrics and the vibe being communicated. I have a greater appreciation for music and the escape that it provides as a result of how much slower paced my life has become since the pandemic hit.
- Rest – As mentioned in this post here, rest has absolutely saved me during the pandemic. Being able to switch off my brain and just be for a while has been a life saver during the pandemic.
- Planning – I don’t believe in letting life happen to you. I’m also not crazy enough to believe that I can plan for everything so I land in the middle: I plan for what I can predict or have as part of my goals and then pray over the plans and let God do His thing.
How are you coping through the pandemic?

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