I needed a break – plain and simple. Sometimes it’s not overly complicated: the reasons that cause us to escape. I had just sold most of my furniture and moved out of the apartment building that I had lived in for the last 7 years, wrapped up a successful implementation with my client and was planning on how I was going to ship my life in 12 boxes halfway across the world. Yeah – June was a stressful month. I’m usually good about taking breaks especially when stressed out but June did not let up AT ALL! So when the project was over, furniture sold, the apartment moved out of and the rest of my life neatly packed in boxes, I got on the first flight out of Boston for the Florida Keys.
I flew into Fort Lauderdale where I met up with my friend Sharlene. Together we embarked on our 3.5 hour girls’ road trip to Key West! We blasted music, stopped for a quick meal at Chick-fil-A … and then got back on the road. This drive was so freeing! We caught up on what had been going during Corona in our respective cities as well as what we wanted to do in the Keys. Sharlene and I are usually on the same page, which is why we travel well together. She wanted to get some water activities and some beach time under her belt when there. I wanted a full 8 hours of sleep, some sunshine and to hit up some local restaurants.
Schedule set, we got to the hotel. I’ll be honest. The rooms were just ok. I LOVE staying at hotels. My preference when traveling – yes over Airbnb – is staying at a location with turn down service. So when we got to the hotel and the room was about a 6/10, I didn’t want my excitement to be deflated so Sharlene and I changed into our bathing suits to explore the hotel. And we found the hotel’s saving grace: the resort’s pools and bar. Additionally, our quick tour had us stumble upon chickens! They were everywhere, which for some reason made this hotel feel quaint. And we wouldn’t be in Florida without the odd iguana here and there.
Once settled in at the hotel, it was time to eat! Dining in Keys was sooo good! I came in with no expectations. I just wanted to have some good food. I know – super broad – but Key West did not disappoint! I enjoyed everything from the local catch at to some Haitian food at Mo’s. I legit had the best Haitian food! Oh! I also ate ice cream made from liquid nitrogen! You have to grab some ice cream from Wicked Licks in Key West! The staff were so great – explaining the ice cream process with the liquid nitrogen as well as how they pair toppings and flavors. Yeah – y’all can tell this was my fave. I love anything tat mixes some whimsy and flavor!
Rest sorted, food incredible – next up were the water activities. Sharlene and the hotel concierge hit it off and came up with the perfect day out on the water with a company called Sebago. We showed up on Friday morning at 9am for registration and check in at the catamaran that we would spend the entire day on! We were going to be on a boat all day snorkeling, jet skiing, kayaking, parasailing, riding the banana boat and what I like to call vegetating … lying on a Lilly pad on the water and simply floating. We had tons of fun! The snorkeling was incredible – we saw Dory! The coral at the Keys is unparalleled. If you love snorkeling, this is the place to go!
Going to the Keys was exactly what I needed y’all! I slept in, got some sunburn because I was out too long under the sun without sunscreen and unwound from all the stress of the previous month. Now – all I have to do is keep this relaxation vibe all year long … huh.
I’m Binja, an African based healthcare IT consultant by day and an #Africancocktail at all times! Who is an #Africancocktail? Allow me to explain: I’m half Congolese (DRC) and half Kenyan (hella African) – that along with the fact that I’ve grown up in five countries on three continents has contributed to my being an amalgamation of cultures (or in my case a cocktail). Yes, I’m one of those ‘third culture kids’ who sounds British but speaks Swahili and French with an American accent. So yes folks – I’m an #Africancocktail!