Day 30

It’s really one of the best times of the year! I love the holidays … from Thanksgiving to New Year’s there’s just a little bit more magic in the air.
For me, nothing says Christmas like watching the Nutcracker ballet! It’s become a sort of tradition to watch this ballet … and as the years have gone by, I have become more dedicated to dressing up for the ballet, which inspired this look!
I live in Boston where the Nutcracker ballet is a huge deal! I mean the lines to get into the theatre are long, the tickets sell out pretty quickly, and everyone – ok lots of people, dress up and show up looking like a million bucks! I figured that as a way to round off the 30 skirts in 30 days series, I would show you how I style a skirt for a night at the ballet!
So I went to one of my favorite stores to get this gorgeous skirt – Chicwish. This cheers stripes pleated midi green skirt is legit what my ballet dreams are made of! I love the gold against the green – it gives a very regal feel to the skirt. The length is also perfect for the ballet as most folks wear gowns or cocktail dresses that hit just below the knees. I paired this skirt with a black long sleeved top, some black pumps and my gorgeous cape. This cape was also styled here but I love how it elevates this look! This ensemble could not be complete without the gorgeous clutch that a friend thrifted and gifted me! I’m excited for the ballet this year. Do you attend any?
Oh! I cannot believe that our 30 skirts in 30 days series is over y’all … I enjoyed styling every piece and I hope you were all inspired to try new pairings and to just put your best self forward! Find a recap of all the looks this season here.
Shop the skirt here.