a·pol·o·gy – a regretful acknowledgment of an offense or failure
There are things that I have come to realize that I have apologized for (profusely in some instances) that I really need to stop apologizing for and own as something that is laudable!
It’s 2018 and there hasn’t been a time that being African has been so popular, which is why I still don’t get it when I meet Africans who prefer being associated with being European or American or Canadian than African. Being African is who I am and I refuse to apologize for who I am. I love my large hips, my full lips and big booty. Yes – I am all woman! People pay for these features that mama Africa freely gave us! So, Africans in hiding, it’s time to fully embrace all you are.
I will not get on my feminist soap box for this one y’all … I’m tayad! It’s time to stop making the excuse that things aren’t where you want them to be because you are a woman. I understand that there is discrimination against us women – hello equal pay – but what I cannot stand are women who don’t even try! You don’t even try applying for that job because you heard they only hire men. You stop taking chances on yourself because you’re a woman and the world is unfair. Listen Linda – it’s time to embrace what you bring to the table. It’s time to make your voice heard. You cannot break a glass ceiling in the shadows!
I will be careful with this one. It’s time to stop apologizing for being happy. It’s easy to get sucked into the negativity that this world brings from the political climate to the apathy that is all around, it’s so easy to get lulled into a defeatist state. I for one choose joy. I refuse to be dragged into the sad state that the world is in. I read the news, the tweets, watch the political satire shows … trust me, I’m in it! However, I have decided that I will be happy – I will look for the silver lining, the rays of sunshine on a gloomy day and play with a stranger’s baby on the train. I choose to be happy. I will not apologize for being able to smile and laugh while those around me continue to allow the world to dictate their emotions. Im happy y’all and I don’t care who knows it!
It’s a weird thing to apologize for especially when in a relationship. I hate seeing people dumb themselves down when in relationships so that their partner doesn’t feel stupid. I love having a partner that challenges me on an intellectual level. Nothing better than having a tête à tête with an intellectual equal. So yeah – I’m done apologizing about the fact that I’ve read more, can articulate better and am more intelligent than you …
Child – this is probably one where I think the self love movement has done some good work on. We still have a ways to go reminding women that history, religion, cultural beliefs, men – are not reasons for allowing others to dull your beauty. It hurts my heart when I meet a woman who has been so run down by life and men that her perception of self is so distorted. Baby girl you are beautiful, you are a star, you are flawless, your curves and bumps are all beautiful. This is one of my personal missions – to remind women that they are beautiful (inside and out). So there lil mama – YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!
Dress: Forever 21, Rings: Forever 21 & Earrings: Forever 21